Lending money to your limited company, rather than giving money as start-up capital in return for shares, makes a lot of sense for a shareholding director. If, for example, you’re starting up a c...
This blog is written by US, not a marketing agency. It isn’t all about tax (but a lot is), it isn’t boring and it isn’t the same as any other accountancy blog that you will have read.
These are just a few of the topics we cover:-
Lending money to your limited company, rather than giving money as start-up capital in return for shares, makes a lot of sense for a shareholding director. If, for example, you’re starting up a c...
Managing cashflow is tough. When it comes to running a business, making money is only half of the equation. Your sales are high, your customers are delighted with your services and products, but youâ€...
HMRC late filing penalties are a nice little earner for the Treasury. According to the Financial Times, 840,000 UK taxpayers missed the January 31st deadline in 2017. Paul Aplin, vice-president of ...
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