01606 333900
Sep 28
VAT for digital goods and services outside the UK

Based in the UK and have a ground-breaking digital product or service you want to roll out to consumers internationally? If so, here are the current rules on VAT for digital goods and services outside...

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Sep 27
Expand my business – borrowing money

If you're saying "expand my business to the next level of turnover and profitability", this is probably a bigger challenge than when your first launched your company. You may have read in business ...

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Sep 11
Simplification of corporation tax

Why does British business need a simplification of corporation tax? Did you know that the UK tax code stretches to 17,000 pages? It would be longer but in later editions, they shrunk the size of the t...

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Sep 08
Crowdfunding – the 6 top UK B2B sites

Crowdfunding to help finance businesses has been a real growth area in the UK economy for the last 10 years. “Fintech” companies, as they are called, now provide many different forms of lending...

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